[App_rpt-users] Bug or wrong implementation?

Jon Rorke jrorke at cogeco.ca
Fri Jul 31 14:58:51 UTC 2009

For a simplex node you must tell the usb fob or URI that you are 
connected to a simplex radio (not a full duplex radio like a repeater).
Otherwise the moment it receives a signal it will attempt to key the 
same radio because it thinks it full duplex.

So in usbradio.conf set duplex=0 for simplex radios.

Also in rpt.conf you must tell App-rpt that you are running in half 
duplex node so you must state in the node stanza duplex=0.

If you dont it will assume you are connected to a repeater.

So I dont think its a bug it just needs to be configured correctly.

Hope this helps.


> I don't understand something, and before I file this as a bug report
> on Mantis, I want to make sure that it is.
> My current setup consists of a DMK URI, and an Icom UHF commercial
> radio running simplex. I have this parameter set in usbradio.conf:
> duplex=0
> If I set duplex=1, it will continually kerchunk. If I set it back to
> duplex=0, when the radio receives a signal, it will transmit.
> Only by adding this to my node stanza in rpt.conf will it behave as expected:
> duplex=1
> Either I'm not understanding how this works, or I don't have something
> configured or implemented correctly, or it's a bug?
> tnx
> Stephen

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