[App_rpt-users] Reading archives

Mike Ping mike at pingmonster.net
Thu Oct 20 05:25:53 UTC 2011

I asked this question before and still haven't conquer this problem.  I am
trying to view the Gzip'd Text archives on the App_rpt-users Archives
webpage at http://ohnosec.org/pipermail/app_rpt-users/.

I have tried the instructions found at
http://johnpoelstra.com/tag/import/ and it works for his example but
when I apply the same instructions for the files of this group it
doesn't produce anything I can read.  When I download and unzip I get
a .txt file but when I open it all I get is a bunch of box symbols

It would be really useful to be able to search these locally all in one
folder as opposed to browsing through each month one at a time.

Any suggestions?

Mike - N3KPU
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