[App_rpt-users] Remote Base Questions

Brett Friermood brett.friermood at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 21:39:09 UTC 2012

> Yes, a remote base node  can connect to any other node.  You must do it from the other node, however.

    Ok, that makes sense. Kinda what I was thinking.

> Why would you want to write any script for connecting, when you can set up the node as a remote base, and put the standard control information on that node?
> When you want to control the node, you do it with the "*4" command from the connected node.  I use my repeater and remote base that way all the time.

I never said anything about writing a script for connecting. I said I
was going write my own scripts for controlling, as in changing
channels, what side of the radio the data band is set to, telling me
what channels the radio is currently set to, setting the VFO, etc...
The remote base node can only do that for certain radios as listed, of
which the V71 is not one. Plus it wouldn't give me as much control as
I want. The scripts are the easy part.

Even using the command mode, doesn't that cause the base to transmit
when you don't necessarily want it to? Maybe I'm being picky here, but
if I'm changing a channel I certainly don't want that radio to be

Thanks for pointing out *4, though. I did a little research on it and
learned a little more.


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