[App_rpt-users] Creating a Private Network

Rich Dunajewski rdunajewski at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 23:21:56 UTC 2012

I'm new to Allstar and Asterisk, and I've taken several days to poke around
and understand how everything works together. I'm interested in creating a
private network with node registration, similar to how Allstar registers
and coordinates node numbers. Based on everything I've absorbed in the last
week or so, it looks like the crucial step is the IAX2 registration that
hits register.allstarlink.org with the node number and assigned password.

To recreate a centralized server to handle node assignment/registration, it
looks like I need to run a copy of Asterisk (in one configuration or
another, with or without app_rpt?) on a public server. Now the details get
fuzzy because I don't know what goes on behind-the-scenes on the Allstar
server. Looking at iax.conf, it appears that the central server would need
stanzas for each node that is authorized on the system, set up as type=peer
and host=dynamic. Once the iax.conf file on the node server is configured
to register at the central server with the correct node/password combo, it
should register once IAX2 is reloaded.

I've gotten this far on my own, with one issue: the registration process
shows as the other server's IP address, rather than the WAN IP.
I'm not immediately sure why, but one possibility is that since I'm running
both servers within the same LAN, it may not be reaching outside the
network for an external IP. In my register statement I'm using the WAN IP,
however. I will have to move the one server outside the LAN to see if the
issue resolves itself.

So can someone fill in any gaps, or confirm my assumptions? What steps do I
need to do in order to create a private Allstar clone? I'm a senior PHP
developer with some C experience, plus I'm comfortable with Linux in
general. Just need some help figuring out how the central Allstar servers
keep track of nodes.


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