[App_rpt-users] manually adjust rxtone and rxvoice

K&R Yoksh yokshs at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 16:29:54 UTC 2012

I much prefer SimpleUSB myself, although my nodes all use COR/COS lines and 
muted filtered audio... Much less PC horsepower required, especially if 
you're not using the DSP for PL/COR..

I looked in /etc/init.d and didn't have either of these files:

3. delete /etc/init.d/usbradio
4. touch /etc/init.d/simpleusb

Just for fun, I created the simpleusb file and restarted Asterisk. I didn't 
notice any changes.. What do these files in /etc/init.d do?

Also, when switching to SimpleUSB, make sure to do simpleusb-tune-menu and 
check your audio settings. When you (W)rite the parameters, different data 
files are saved to /etc/asterisk:

rather than



--- Original Message ---

Simpleusb needs a COR and optionally a PL line from your radio. Here are the
steps to switch. Of course you may want to rename rather than delete at 
steps 2 and 3.

1. copy /usr/src/astsrc/configs/simpleusb/simpleusb.conf to /etc/asterisk/
2. delete /etc/asterisk/usbradio*
3. delete /etc/init.d/usbradio
4. touch /etc/init.d/simpleusb
5. edit /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf rxchannel=SimpleUSB/usb
6. reboot


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