[App_rpt-users] pickle problem after upgrade

George Csahanin george at dyb.com
Fri Sep 7 16:08:31 UTC 2012

Upgraded pickle last night, got this message repeating then asterisk dies 
off, went back to old sources, same thing. My brain is way too foggy with 
family issues here, can someone point to what I may have wrong, I just can't 
think too clearly.


Connected to Asterisk  currently running on nat (pid = 29110)
[Sep  7 12:25:08] NOTICE[29115]: app_radbridge.c:599 radbridge_master: RPT 
thread restarted on instance1
[Sep  7 12:25:08] WARNING[29115]: app_radbridge.c:610 radbridge_master: 
radbridge_thread restarted on node instance1
[Sep  7 12:25:08] NOTICE[29115]: app_radbridge.c:599 radbridge_master: RPT 
thread restarted on instance2
[Sep  7 12:25:08] WARNING[29115]: app_radbridge.c:610 radbridge_master: 
radbridge_thread restarted on node instance2
[Sep  7 12:25:08] WARNING[29163]: channel.c:3051 ast_request: No channel 
type registered for 'Voter'
[Sep  7 12:25:08] ERROR[29163]: app_radbridge.c:289 radbridge: 
radbridge:Sorry unable to obtain channel
[Sep  7 12:25:08] WARNING[29164]: channel.c:3051 ast_request: No channel 
type registered for 'Voter'
[Sep  7 12:25:08] ERROR[29164]: app_radbridge.c:289 radbridge: 
radbridge:Sorry unable to obtain channel
[Sep  7 12:25:10] NOTICE[29115]: app_radbridge.c:599 radbridge_master: RPT 
thread restarted on instance1
[Sep  7 12:25:10] WARNING[29115]: app_radbridge.c:610 radbridge_master: 
radbridge_thread restarted on node instance1

I figured it out, I recompiled just from the asterisk directory, not from 
astsrc...all seems fine now


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