[App_rpt-users] System ideas for a first install

Pierre Martel petem001 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 28 01:25:06 UTC 2013

Using a t5700 from HP I was able to do 2 thing, one was a homebrew dstar repeater with 2 Kenwood LMR radios,

Then I did the same thing with Allstar on a MSR2000 vhf repeater, exact same harware, but the interface, one was a URI for the allstar box, the other was a dvrptr. 

I had to replace the 1gb flas drive (44 pin ide) inside the Thin client to a small 4 gb hard disk that look exactly like a compact flash memory card.. 

It was connected to a 44 pin IDE to CF adapter


with an ide 44 pin female female cable to the Thin Client.

there are 5 and 6gb drive just like that too..
simple as pie. 
it had enough horse power to run dsp on ONE node. a second node would brake it. but would run 2 simple usb easy.. 
I have a small video showing the dstar stuff I did.
From: Jonathan Weirmeir 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 7:52 PM
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org 
Subject: [App_rpt-users] System ideas for a first install

A while back, I asked for tips with virtualization. However, since it's my first time, I'd like to use a dedicated box for app_rpt.

I'm interested in a system solution that's fairly low profile, but most importantly, that's low in power consumption and heat generaton (which rules out the spare Pentium 4 space heater I have sitting around). 

I've read that some have repurposed thin clients for app_rpt, with different levels of success.

Anyone have any suggestions for systems that have enough horsepower to run up to four nodes on a single box, and around say $100 or less? I'm using URIx's and USB sound fobs.

Thanks, can't wait to get going with app_rpt.


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