[App_rpt-users] Beagle and Lox

Alan Adamson adamson_alan at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 21 20:17:39 UTC 2013

Ok, all fixed…
Don't know what it was, but a rebuild and redownload of the config files from the portal resolved it…. Plus this version of files looks more closely like the one from my main server.  
So a bit more audio tweaking and I hope to have 2 simplex nodex off a Beagle and Lox ready for some family members out of state :)…
From: app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org [mailto:app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org] On Behalf Of Alan Adamson
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:19 PM
To: 'Neal Garbenis'
Cc: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Beagle and Lox
This is on a new install… Everything else seems to work, it builds just fine, it's just this COR issue that doesn't seem to work correctly… I'm going to share the Power with the Radio and the Beagle, it may be a differential that is causing the issue with a separate power supply.
I'm also going to re-download the configuration files from the portal… Maybe I missed something in the originals that I did when I brought the first build up.
Audio sounds good and TX is fine.  Setting deviation was easy as always with AllStar.
From: Neal Garbenis [mailto:njgarbenis at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:17 PM
To: Alan Adamson
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Beagle and Lox
Was it working before you updated to the latest svn?
Just curious because In most cases when I have updated to the newest source.  Lots of stuff doesn't compile correctly.  And everything seems to break
When you update make sure to shut asterisk off.  This helps when compiling not so many errors
Neal Garbenis Jr.


On Feb 21, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Alan Adamson <adamson_alan at hotmail.com> wrote:
I've got a good one… I'm sure someone else must have had the same issue.
I've got cables from Lox cables so I'm pretty sure the cables are correct.  I've programmed the radio and pull the COR down *low* on both COR AND PL.  This is on a GM300 radio.
I have CTCSS in the beagle.conf turned to NO, and I have HWINVERT set for the COR, the duplex is set to 0 as this is a simplex setup.
But what is happening is that immediately when the beagle sees the COR it switches to transmit.  As a result I can't get beagle tune rxdisplay to do anything.
Anyone seen this?  I'm about to go get the latest SVN (just did this a week or so ago) and rebuild… but it's very strange… I've watched the COR and it goes low and stays there when a signal is generated to the radio, so it's not cycling at the radio, it's something to do with either the Lox or the beagle software.
Let me know if you would please.
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