[App_rpt-users] Limey Linux & CF

James Hill jrh at g0fhm.co.uk
Sat Jul 13 12:34:59 UTC 2013

Hi Guys,

I'm using Randy's method of putting Limey on a 2GB CF card, and creating 
an extra partition for storage (here: http://ohnosec.org/drupal/node/43).

Everything goes as it should, but the boot stops at: EXT2-fs: Warning 
checktime reached. Running e2fsck is recommended. Obviously the thin 
client wants to check it before it mounts it (when I created the 
partition, it did say it would be checked every 27 mounts or similar).

I get a flashing cursor, and I can type in whatever I like - but it 
won't do anything!

Has anyone else had this? If so, how did you overcome it?



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