[App_rpt-users] Limey Help...

Tony KT9AC kt9ac at ameritech.net
Mon Jul 15 14:21:03 UTC 2013

Is the Limey build process documented anywhere? I've tried the zip files on a T5710 thin client but never got it to work, whereas ArchLinux and XIPAR worked (with some tweaks afterward to save the compact flash card). XIPAR took a few hours to install onto the 1.2G box, 512MB ram and 4GB CF but runs very lean afterward.

 So in other words, can we start with X distro, load the SVN's, compile and then save to flash on the target device? I've read somewhere that you develop on another platform then port it over, but that's new to me.

 I like both ACID and XIPAR, but the latter seems to lack MDC1200 and audio archive capability that I use a lot.


 From: Geoff <w5omr at att.net>
To: James Hill <jrh at g0fhm.co.uk>; app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org 
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Limey Help...

On 07/15/2013 06:14 AM, James Hill wrote:

On 15/07/2013 02:09, Jim Duuuude wrote:
>>After logging into James' system, I found that the "distro" version
>>of chan_simpleusb and chan_usbradio sources werent working
>>properly on Limey Linux.  I then loaded the SVN sources, and
>>out that they had a different problem, the fix of which will
          appear in
>>SVN at 18:15 PDT this evening (in 14 minutes).
Glad you found it and were able to find a fix, Jim.  Sounds kind of
    reminiscent of when I was in 'dependency hell', trying to install a
    program, only to find out I had the wrong version of lib[whatever]. 
    Good job!  Atta boy!  Pat's on the back!

>My Timezones appear to be all messed up. 
>Running 'date' gives the correct time/date info output.
>However, initially asterisk/app_rpt was stuck back in PST (ie 8h
      behind) when I keyed *81.
>I've done some tinkering, and have now got the voice announcement
      to UTC (still an hour behind).
>/etc/TZ is set to GMT0BST as it should be. BIOS clock is correct.
If I have read right, and understand - Limey Linux runs on a flash
    drive.  Sort of like a 'Live Evaluation Distro' and nothing is ever
    'saved'.  I'm not exactly sure what SVN services are, but they sound
    like something required for Limey.  My vague understanding of it is
    that by implementing SVN services, you are somehow able, once
    everything is setup and running, to -save- the configuration so that
    it stays the same each time the system boots up.

As for setting the timezone and time on your Linux system, this link
    may help:

73 = Best Regards,

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