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Brett Friermood brett.friermood at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 23:05:37 UTC 2014

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:51 PM, Geoff <ars.w5omr at gmail.com> wrote:
> A pet-peeve (since we're talking about stupid people)...
> "This is ("call-sign") monitoring".  Announcing that you're listening around
> is Redundant.  Just your callsign transmitted on the air is all that's
> needed.

I understand where you are coming from, but not necessarily. It of
course depends on the "culture" of the system or systems being used,
but distinguishing between an ID only and a invitation to talk to you
can be very handy. The same can be said about the believed to be
redundant "for ID" statement.

Especially on a busy net, such as for a race, where net control will
act on just hearing your callsign, distinguishing that such a
transmission is just to legally identify can make things go much more
smoothly and not create extra transmissions.

This of course doesn't apply to someone who uses "for ID" in the
middle of a conversation between only two stations.

Brett KQ9N

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