[App_rpt-users] WARNING: Filing an abuse complaint to unsubscribe will result in you being permanently banned from this mailing list

Corey Dean n3fe at repeater.net
Mon Jan 20 02:54:26 UTC 2014

On the mailman list I run I put the unsub link in the footer.  When an ISP contacts me I simply forward a message that contains the footer and they drop the complaint.

Corey N3FE

-----Original Message-----
From: app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org [mailto:app_rpt-users-bounces at ohnosec.org] On Behalf Of Geoff
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2014 1:51 PM
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] WARNING: Filing an abuse complaint to unsubscribe will result in you being permanently banned from this mailing list

On 01/19/2014 12:31 PM, Stephen Rodgers wrote:
> I am issuing a stern warning to those too lazy to go through the 
> proper mechanism to unsubscribe from this list. If you don't visit the 
> app-rpt mailing list and unsubscribe using 
> http://ohnosec.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/app_rpt-users,
> and file an abuse complaint with your ISP instead, your email address 
> will be PERMANENTLY BANNED. You will end being unable to subscribe to the list in the future.
> I've had to explain to our ISP several times why these abuse 
> complaints happen, and the rate of complaints has been increasing over the last several months.
> Abuse complaints from ISP's are serious business, and could result in 
> the web hosting company canceling our account we get too many of them over a certain amount of time.
> Moral of the story: If you want to unsubscribe, don't take the low 
> road and file an abuse complaint with your ISP. Take the time to do it correctly by doing a web search for app_rpt mailing list and following the instructions there.

I'm confused, Steve.

Didn't this skillet-heads have to go through the proper mechanism to subscribe to the list?

Why isn't it common sense to use the same mechanism to UN-subscribe?

Seems I saw an 'unsubscribe' request float out on the list a week (or
3?) ago...

Who doesn't know you don't enter list option commands through the list?

What really fires my ass up is that these are -supposed- to be knowledgeable, Amateur Radio operators who possess sufficient knowledge in computer networking, and wiring radio connections.

There was a UK station that hooked up to our network, yesterday - said "Qsk Qsk Qsk from The U.K. This is call sign)."  I rejected my first impulse to say "Q-signals are for CW operators, for short cuts", but WTH does QSK (in this context) mean, and why hasn't he learned of CQ?  Or, since we're on FM, just throw your callsign out there?  If someone
-wants- to talk to you, they will!

A pet-peeve (since we're talking about stupid people)...
"This is ("call-sign") monitoring".  Announcing that you're listening around is Redundant.  Just your callsign transmitted on the air is all that's needed.

This, as I'm taking a break from re-writing my rpt.conf file to include a new simplex node... perhaps a little frustration on my part (trying to research commands...) and a spark to ignite got me fired up.

I'll go crawl back under my rock, now.


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