[App_rpt-users] tailmessage not working correctly???

Tim Sawyer tim.sawyer at mac.com
Thu Jan 23 19:59:13 UTC 2014

I use RTCMs exclusively and tail messages work fine. I’ve never had one go off on top of a user. In fact if someone keys up the tail message stops and replays after tailsquashtime. What doesn’t work for me is a coma separated list of tail messages. If I set up "tailmessagelist=message1,message2" it won’t work, nothing ever plays. But that’s another subject.

The way tail messages work is that the message will transmit every x milliseconds just before the repeater TX (hang timer) drops. So with your setting of 60 seconds the message will occur only 60 seconds after the last tail message as the carrier drops. If the repeater is quite for longer that 60 seconds the tail message won’t be heard until something keys it and the carrier drops. 

Two things for you:
1. You are putting the settings in the [node] stanza correct?
2. Don’t you want (shouldn’t) the squash time be less than the message time? I suspect this is the what causing your strange tail message behavior.


On Jan 22, 2014, at 11:35 PM, Chuck Henderson <rpt2 at chuck.midlandsnetworking.com> wrote:

> I put these 3 lines in my rpt.conf file expecting to have a tail message on unkey every 60 seconds or more.
> tailmessagetime=60000
> tailsquashedtime=70000
> tailmessagelist=tailmessage
> So if someone makes a 2 minute transmission, then I expect a tail message when they unkey.  
> If someone makes a 10 second transmission than I would not expect a tail message unless 60 seconds have passed since the last tail message.
> Unfortunately what I get is not what I expect.
> When the repeater has not been used for a long time.... the first person to key down gets the tail message right on top of the beginning of their transmission.  
> The repeater can be in use with various people each making random length transmissions from 10 seconds to 2 minutes long and there is never a tail message after the first one that tromps on top of the first person talking.
> I remember using tailmessage long ago back when I was using the USB fob and I think it worked fine back then.
> Now I am using only RTCM's and I can not get the tailmessage feature to work properly.
> Has anyone else been successfully using tail messages with RTCM's or USB fobs?
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