[App_rpt-users] Portanode

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Thu Nov 6 22:42:11 UTC 2014


No not at all as far as tone. It is just sometimes hard to understand exactly what ones intentions are when writing. When you think of it, it is a little crazy how much time we spend texting and writing and if we just spoke it could probably be resolved in a few minutes!

Yes, your approach is sound and it should work. In any case you would need to create a wifi hotspot on your phone  and then either use the wifi adapter on the BBB or a stand-alone Ethernet to wifi adapter. The one mentioned -


or here is a more expensive one but name brand unit -


If you get the wifi adapter for the BBB that is mentioned and supported in the docs I see no reason for the external adapter. Either way the wifi would need to be setup to talk to your phone hotspot.

No mater how you do this you probably won't have the ability to do incoming port forwarding so you will only have outgoing connection capability which is probably fine in most cases.

73 Doug

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 14:26:20 -0500
From: N1XBM at amsat.org
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] Portanode

Maybe my terminology is off or I didn't communicate that I'd be using my android phone to broadcast wifi in a fixed locations that are known to have stable/reliable signal.  I was planning to use some sort of wifi bridge and then plug the BBB into the bridge.  Please don't assume my reply has a rude tone. Maybe you did understand me and I'm just missing the big picture. I'll take your advice into consideration when I try to test this. 

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