[App_rpt-users] Not able to receive incoming connections

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Wed Sep 24 06:36:53 UTC 2014


 There is no way to "force" something through a router that is miss-configured or not working correctly.

In the router you should be able to port forward and you need the following ports forwarded

4569 udp   
222 tcp

It is important that you specify udp and tcp. In some case you can say 'both'

Both ports should be forwarded to your Allstar box IP address. Without 4569 no one will be able to connect to you. Without 222 no one will be able to administratively connect to your allstar.

There is no way around this you need the forwards to work. In a pinch you could setup DMZ in the router to the allstar box and see if it works. If it doesn't you have other problems but if it does then you know you port forwarding is incorrect. 

I don't know your router but there is probably someone else on here that could help. I know with the Verizon FIOS routers you need specify the from port and IP as any and the to port and Ip as the ones you want it to go to. Specifying the from port as a specific number even if it is the right number does not work. 

73 Doug

From: gene at wb9coy.com
To: doug at crompton.com
CC: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Subject: RE: [App_rpt-users] Not able to receive incoming connections
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:37:21 -0700

Hi Doug, thanks for the response.  My router is an ATT U-Verse 
I have NAT to port 4569  and 222.  For some reason I can not connect to it.  It shows up on the Web Xcvr.  I am able to have QSOs on node 2003.  I think it is an in-bound issue.   I read on the AllStar pages that a sys admin might have to force  port 4569 on the AllStar side.  I am writting to this mail list because I am stuck on why I can not conntec to my node which is 41303

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [App_rpt-users] Not able to receive incoming connections
From: Doug Crompton <doug at crompton.com>
Date: Tue, September 23, 2014 4:38 pm
To: "gene at wb9coy.com" <gene at wb9coy.com>
Cc: "app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org" <app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org>


 Not sure what you mean by forced but you need to port foward port 4569 upd  to the IP address of your Allstar computer. The Allstar computer should be set as a static IP address on your local network so that the local address does not change.

In addition if you want to access your system remotely or have someone else do it for maintenance you need to port forward port 222 tcp to the IP address of your Allstar computer.
73 Doug

> From: gene at wb9coy.com
> To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
> Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:34:22 -0700
> Subject: [App_rpt-users] Not able to receive incoming connections
> My node is 41303 W6QAR
> I have verified that I NAT on port 4569. It was mentioned that a check
> can be done on my node to see if it had to be forced.
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