[App_rpt-users] Wide area traffic tradeoff

Kevin Custer kuggie at kuggie.com
Sat Feb 14 20:00:15 UTC 2015

On 2/14/2015 3:37 AM, Doug Crompton wrote:
> Here's the problem. You don't comprehend what I write and you have a 
> hard-on for whatever I say.

> Some people like pileups, the WAN system is an example. For day to day 
> use I am not sure what "wide area" buys you.
> Educate you users to NOT connect the local hub to the WAN system or 
> any other large network.
> Kevin, Don't be so defensive! I did not say there was a problem with 
> the WAN,
> Just don't pollute the quieter smaller hubs with that.
> You are a fool and you just like to argue with me. Others understand 
> what I am saying, obviously you don't!

It's coming through loud and clear. I comprehend everything you say.  I 
understand you don't like my system.    You think I shouldn't defend 
myself or my network after you go off jamming your opinions down 
everyone's throat.  Just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it bad 
or wrong.  This is no different than your view of the Raspberry PI.  If 
a solution doesn't come from you - it's no good.

Here's a clue.  Go back to your simplex world and leave us alone. I 
could care less if you like the WAN system, but next time be smart 
enough to keep your opinions to yourself.  And if you do make a sideways 
comments about another network, be ready, because most of us won't be 
pushed around by you and your spineless - thoughtless outbursts.

Kevin Custer

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