[App_rpt-users] Get the same USB port assigned to a node at startup each time?

Cole Cunningham colecaz at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 21:18:49 UTC 2015



I have interfaced a radio to a FOB and am able to get all functions working
except txaudio.


When trying to adjust it using the radio tune command it gives be back


Garage3*CLI> radio tune rxnoise 41189

Device usb currently not active



The just the radio tune gives


Garage3*CLI> radio tune

Active radio interface is [usb]

Device String is

Card is -1

Output A is currently set to composite.

Output B is currently set to off.

Tx Voice Level currently set to 500

Tx Tone Level currently set to 200

Rx Squelch currently set to 725

Usage: radio tune <function>




       rxsquelch [newsetting]

       txvoice [newsetting]

       txtone [newsetting]

       auxvoice [newsetting]

       save (settings to tuning file)

       load (tuning settings from EEPROM)


       All [newsetting]'s are values 0-999



The instructions on the docs.allstarling.org about adjusting radio
parameters seem to refer only to the URI.


Can you tell me the way to change the active device so that I can adjust and
save the parameters and make the same usb port attach to the same node
number every time?





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