[App_rpt-users] Fwd: Getting Node 2134 back online / Raspberry Pi 2?

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Tue Jul 28 05:31:23 UTC 2015

Ken see my comments in your questions below...

Also the answers apply to the hamvoip.org web page where there is a wealth of information and images for both the RPi2 and the Beagle Bone Black.  If you pursue this join the arm-allstar forum where questions relating to the project should be asked.
73 Doug

From: vk4akp at gmail.com
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:50:56 +1000
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Fwd: Getting Node 2134 back online / Raspberry Pi 2?




    Forwarding one of many old messages that never made it into the
    collective! :)

    Please see below. 


    (have been wondering why no replies on the group to many messages
    past few years. Now realized had to re-register under our GMail
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      -------- Forwarded Message --------
            Getting Node 2134 back online / Raspberry Pi 2?
            Fri, 22 May 2015 01:29:03 +1000
            Ken Page <vk4akp at gmail.com>
            app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org


Our nodes been offline now for what must be years after a hardware failure.
We were running on our Gentoo server which at the time was a real effort 
to set up and get working even with a lot of help.
Years later we're still struggling to even get our backups running on 
the new hardware. (Recovering database etc etc).

With the release of the Raspberry Pi 2 we are wondering if this might be 
a cheap way to get our node back up again by using a cheap separate 
stand alone device.
To this end I have a few questions.

- Is the Raspberry Pi 2 powerful enough to do the job?


- If so how many URI dongles can it handle OK?

AT least two. I have heard of users using four but would
not recommend more than two. Use another Pi for more
than two nodes. They are cheap and it would be better

- Is there an easy install script available for Raspberry Pi?

Absolutely. You could have a node online in 10 minutes plus the
time to burn the image to SD card.

- In the past we have had issues with PTT lockups causing 3x burnt out 
radio's over time.
I see a different interface available now. (RB-USB-RIM)
It looks to have a few better features like PTT lock protection. Is this 
a good compatible device compared to our old DMK URI's we were running? 
Any other feedback / comments?
- Does the RB-USB-RIM and the DMK-URI have the same pinouts on the DB25? 
(Looks like No!?)

We mostly use DMK URI's and modified sound FOBS and have had no
lockup problems other than someone you are connected to locking
things up. Any good TX should have a timeout set in the radio.
Most all radios have timeout settings.

- Could the 8x GPIO pins be used as serial (TTL level RS232) ports for 
things like CAT control etc?

Yes the code has GPIO commands built-in to control pins. There is also a 
USB GPIO adapter available. Serial works best with a USB to serial adapter.

- Could the RB-USB-RIM 's Cmedia Sound IC be uses as a packet radio 
modem (Another project, Not for All_Star) using the AX25 Linux libraries?

I will leave this for someone else to answer.

- Has anyone seen the AU$15 DRA818V/U radio modules? Any comments on 
these? We are looking at the possibility of using these.
They offer 1 Watt on 2mtrs or 70cm's (model dependent), Pre/De-emphasis 
can be switched off + frequency agile via AT serial commands.

YES - we have built nodes around these modules. See the how-to on the
hamvoip.org web page.

- Is there any Digital Voice support (Codec2 etc) available yet in All_Star?

Not sure what you mean by that. But the release includes an interface
to google voice for ID's and WX scripts which are included.

- Lastly we would like to link two sites via a 5.8Ghz WiFi network link 
for a UHF CB radio repeater. (One site RX the other TX).
I assume we can do this with a PI-2 each end and have one still run our 
Ham node as a separate and isolated situation?

Yes, as long as you had a good path and connection it would IP over 
the link and you could connect the nodes.

Appreciate any feedback on this.

Ken - vk4akp
Ipswich Metro Radio Group
vk4rkp - Mt Crosby Repeater
All_Star# 2134, Echolink# 7878




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