[App_rpt-users] echolink db update problem

Pete M petem001 at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 9 12:50:40 UTC 2015

From: Geoff 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2015 8:12 AM
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org 
Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] echolink db update problem

There's more echolink servers than one.


I do know that there are more then one.

I was posting the state of the situation that caused the problem. 

It is way better to give the most info you got then to not tell something that could seem not usefull at first but prove to be the trigger of all this.

here is my echolink setup


name=Club ve2mrc
email=info at ve2mrc.com

#includeifexists custom/echolink.conf


So from what I can see it failed on server1 then went to server2 and downloaded a corrupted database.. 

Could it be that the buffer used to download on the first server was not flushed clean before downloading the new list from server 2?

I know nothing on C. But I do know some basic, fortran pascal and cobol. and I think I could still code in Action (old atari 8 bit language).

I did a whole BBS system with message database and game online using 2,  atari 8600xl linked by there joystick port to exchange data from user connected to both computer by each there own modem.. 

I dont say i am a good programer.. But I did all this on my own with out any training..  I am not judging the work done here. I know that the echolink friver is not the prioroty here.. But this kind of bug could be fix by 2 method. 

First method, make a sanity check on the DB downloaded from echolink, this is a chalenge I know..

Or reach for a new DB when we see a reject of a user on echolink, cheap and dirty, but it would do the job.. 

Now are we looking to have a nice code or are we looking for a system that do work?

I am not the one that will take that decision 

Jim your call!

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