[App_rpt-users] Web Transciever

Doug Crompton doug at crompton.com
Sat Mar 14 05:24:58 UTC 2015


  I just tried connecting to your node and the connection fails. That does not have to mean the port is not forwarding but it could certainly be the cause. You are listed as:

27981=radio at,

in the node database.  

What type of system are you running- PC? BBB?

Has anyone been able to connect to you from other nodes?

You said ssh was working fine. Do you mean remotely or locally? Locally it will always work so I presume you tested it from outside your local network.

Generally the way to setup the router is FROM 'any' and TO the port number. Routers are different though so you would have to check that on yours.

The other check you can make is go into the Asterisk client -  asterisk -rvvv
and watch for any error information when you attempt to make a web transceiver connection or someone tries to connect to you. If you see nothing then it would point to port forwarding issues. If you get an error then we can take it from there.
73 Doug

From: Jamey.Wright at morgan911.org
To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 05:03:24 +0000
Subject: [App_rpt-users] Web Transciever

Good Evening All,

I have just finished up a new server and node install but I am running into an issue.  My node (27981) shows connected (Green) on the AllStarLink status page but I can't connect to the Web Transceiver.  When I click on the node number in the list and it goes
 to the Web Transceiver page everything loads but it does not connect.  If I click on the 'connect' button, nothing happens.  My node is behind a Cisco firewall but I have an outside address NATed to the IP of the node PC and port mapping configured to have
 UDP/4569 translated to UDP/4569.  I also have the correct settings in the access list to allow the traffic.  I also have SSH on 222 configured the same way and it works fine.  I'm guessing there is a config in a file somewhere that I either missed or mis-configured.

Thanks in advance.



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