[App_rpt-users] Nodename Repository

Scott Weis kb2ear at kb2ear.net
Sat Sep 5 19:57:35 UTC 2015

Here is a service I offer for syncing custom node names for anyone


Add this line to your crontab


00 00,12 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -av rsync://reflector.kb2ear.net/nodenames/



By using rsync your system will only get files that are newer than the ones
already there, keeping my bandwidth usage down.


To add your node to the repository go to:




make sure your file is named <nodenumber>.wav,gsm,ulaw


If it tells you the file is not allowed the file probably already exists,
email it to me and I'll fix the upload.


If you have a large number of files zip them up and then upload.


Or just email me the files.


once I test the file to make sure it plays in asterisk I'll add it to the
repository for everyone to download.  



Scott KB2EAR

kb2ear at kb2ear.net


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