[App_rpt-users] missed **** rx un-key

dropbox@digitalattack.org dropbox@digitalattack.org dropbox at digitalattack.org
Mon Feb 8 18:07:15 UTC 2016

hardware: raspberry pi 2b with uri

problem: raspberry pi 2b not seeing **** rx un-key if ptt released too quickly
after final dtmf digit. I can repeat the issue by connecting to a node then:
push ptt,*,7,1,release ptt. if i pause before releasing ptt
then all is fine. if i release ptt immediately or same time as last dtmf digit
then **** rx un-key is missed. i verified COD and did see the signal go from hi
to low to the uri and didnt see the **** rx un-key in app rpt debug level 7.

any suggestions?

thanks, Gregory, KK6DOI

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