[App_rpt-users] RTCM/VOTER Squelch/Firmware Question

Lee Woldanski ve7fet at tparc.org
Sun Jun 5 19:32:36 UTC 2016

So, an update on the discriminator in the FR5000/FR6000...

Looks like the "Discriminator Out" on the accessory connector isn't true
detector audio.

Some schematic snippets:


DET becomes EXDISC which becomes DISC at the accessory connector.

Detector audio from the IF IC looks like it gets buffered and filtered a
bit before it hits the accessory connector. Hence, there may not be all the
noise we want.

There also is circuitry in there to switch Wide/Narrow, which would be
affected by channel programming.

I'm not going to bother to sweep it to see what the response is, as it is
already installed at site.

I may swap back to stock squelch and enable BEW to see how that plays.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Chuck Henderson <
rpt2 at chuck.midlandsnetworking.com> wrote:

> If anyone if off frequency a little bit that will make the voice talk off
> worse.  Double check that the repeater and the users are all on frequency.
> Don't use narrow bandwidth on the repeater receiver.  Make sure that the
> discriminator audio is not rolled off even a little bit at the high end.
> There should not be resistors in series or capacitors to ground between the
> discriminator chip output pin and the voter board input, for best results.
> I tried DSPBEW a couple of times but don't use it on any of my repeaters.
> Did you uncomment line 64 in HardwareProfile.h to get both of my changes?
> One change is to the squelch action and the other is to how RSSI is
> calculated.
> Also, I comment out
> ;thresholds =
> and set
> linger = 0
> in /etc/asterisk/voter.conf
> Chuck, WB9UUS

Lee Woldanski, AScT
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