[App_rpt-users] Using DSP on Rasberry Pi?

John Griffith jcarl.griffith at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 16:03:43 UTC 2017

About 4 months ago, I loaded Crompton on my Pi and transferred all the config files over from my ACID box. 

My current repeater uses ACID on an old fanless PC, and it happens to also have DSP configured for receive.  The Pi 3 actually worked well, my Pi 3 handling the extra load from using DSP quite well. What broke however, was everything else. I had copied quite a bit over to get it to work, not just conf files. It's been a while, I don't remember exactly what all I copied over, but it was entire directories. Then, it was no longer able to run USB tune or even the new features that replaced it because the conf files are not compatible with the new system. I went back to my old ACID installation on my PC after hopelessly breaking my Crompton attempt. 

Fast forward to now. I have my repeater running off a solar panel, but the computer is too big a draw to keep the system running over night. I want to return to a Pi installation. I've tried configuring COS from the radio, but it has a nasty habit of not going out of COS once a received signal terminates. I REALLY want to use DSP as I've spent countless hours trying to make COS work properly and not achieving good success. 

Is there a way of making DSP work on a Pi without breaking stuff? Or is there a proper way of bringing my ACID setup over to my Pi successfully?  Not even looked at DIAL, is it compatible with DSP, if it is, can it be brought over to Pi?


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