[App_rpt] Simplex node with just RXAud/TXAud/PTT ?

Jim Duuuude telesistant at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 13 00:05:12 UTC 2008

no!!! why in the world would you want VOX operation when you have GM300's which all have a BEAUTIFUL 16 pin connector on the rear
that gives you direct access to flat-audio (from discriminator, to modulator). If you take 4 wires, Ground, PTT, discriminator (flat) audio out,
and flat audio in, and connect them to the USB FOB and let the computer do the rest, you will have an absolutely optimum setup (at least for
simplex operation).    You can even buy cables that have the 16 pin connector on 1 end and wires on the other on E-bay.

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 18:51:57 -0500
From: chad at thepalmz.net
To: app_rpt at lists.illiana.net
Subject: [App_rpt]  Simplex node with just RXAud/TXAud/PTT ?

I believe I am looking for a configuration similar to what you've got going on, simplex base control: one asterisk box at location A, with a motorola GM300 through USB soundcard FOB and another identical setup at location B.  When a portable at A transmits on the channel the GM300 is on, I want the audio to cross over IAX2/GSM and open up the radio at site B, transmitting to portables at that site.. the same process should happen in reverse for traffic from B.  I've read it's dangerous to use mobile radios above a 10% transmission duty cycle due to heat, so I think CTCSS/DCS between the portables and their (local) base is the best way to prevent that.. meaning I want VOX control between the asterisk boxes right?  Any comments or suggestions you may have would definitely be appreciated!


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