[App_rpt] App-Rpt Patch

David McGough kb4fxc at inttek.net
Sat Jul 26 20:48:32 UTC 2008

Hi Dave,

Yes, I have the ',y' suffix added--and, with the 'y' app_rpt doesn't try
to interpret DTMF characters--so, a RB user couldn't send commands,
etc....But, the problem I was seeing was that the chan_usbradio code was
still listening for DTMF, even though it was being ignored upstream in
app_rpt. And, on HF audio this caused very noticable sporadic choppiness
for me....For a VHF/UHF RB this might never be noticed--since there is
little static/noise.

And, I agree that this project is fantastic! I'm thoroughly impressed with
how well everthing works! All the app_rpt and chan_usbradio, etc.,
developers are to be commended!

>From a documentation standpoint, I've seen a lot worse. Direct access to 
gurus on this list is super....Since I've used asterisk and linux for 
years, that helps in my case, too.

Now, I just have to get over having my feeling hurt....Last night I was
talking to a net on 75M via my VX-7R HT using a CMP460A hand mic on the
HT, linking thru my TKR-850 app_rpt repeater.  They said the audio sounded
BETTER from my VX-7R than it did with my (name withheld) base mic plugged
straight into the HF radio!!!! Well huh. hi. hi.

73, David KB4FXC

On Sat, 26 Jul 2008, David Powell-Williams wrote:

> Hi David:
> Thanks for posting your DTMF disabling patch to the list.
> Somehow, I thought that configuring a node as a remote base automatically
> disabled DTMF decoding. At least, it seems to work that way for me, albeit
> on a 2M RB.
> In passing, I noticed that Steve mentioned the requirement to add a 'y'
> suffix to the [nodes] stanza defining the RB. However, I think he may have
> typo-ed the ',y' as '.y'
> No doubt you picked this up but just in case...
> I've long been an IRLP node operator but Asterisk and app_rpt is certainly
> more useful to me and fascinating to boot.  It was really instructive to
> work with Jim Dixon as he added the Kenwood TM-271 to the list of supported
> transceivers.  The documentation is a little sparse at this point so it was
> great to gain a bit of knowledge through osmosis from the guru.
> Cheers & 73,
> Dave
> 2140

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