[App_rpt-users] RoIP Net Database and Calender

pete M petem001 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 9 12:30:59 UTC 2014

Nice idea, can you add a tag about the language in use on the net?Some nets are in other language then english, french and spanish come to mind.. so a place to tag language (maybe primary and secondary language would be nice..)

> From: mike at midnighteng.com
> To: app_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 20:49:59 -0700
> Subject: [App_rpt-users] RoIP Net Database and Calender
> In the interest of all...
> to better take advantage of RoIP networking connectivity,
> I am attempting to compose a internet database calendar system of "NETS"
> that are of interest to all.
> So everyone can be aware of nets occurring throughout all Radio over IP
> networks.
> This is to allow potential interested party's could tune-in to your node
> and more groups can listen or participate.
> For now it will be attached to the Lincoln Highway Link-Up website at
> lhlikup.com
> lhlinkup.com/roip-nets-calendar/
> If it is successful, I will create a new website just for it. 
> Sorry, we are only interested in nets
> that are of interest to anyone, anywhere.
> Please be kind in this regard.
> If you would like to list "your net" on this experimental system,
> If "YOU" are the node/network admin/ club officer for your group and
> If you would like to take the time and message me "OFF-LIST" / direct by
> replying to this.
> I would really like to list it. 
> Please don't tell me about someone else's net. 
> Data must come from a authoritative person so I am not the cause of
> swamping someones node on the wrong part of their network at the wrong
> times etc.
> If you are not authoritative, it will be ignored.
> Please tell me the "HUB or Node number" of the net... 
> (where you want external connects)
> ie: irlp 1620 or allstar 29993 or echolink 802891
> The "NAME" of your net.
> (ie "Old Timers Gab Net")
> "Purpose" of the net....  
> ie... ham tech,computer tech,helping the disabled,
> antennas, even just "gab net"...etc a brief description.
> "Time" & "Frequency" of the net...
>        ie.. 
> every monday @ 20:00 utc  (please only utc times)
> or
> 1st sat of every month @ xx:xx utc till ? utc 
> Any special rules !
> When I have some input data to show it is working correctly, I will let
> everyone know.
> Eventually, I would like to make this user editable but security issues
> remain for now.
> I perhaps will make a widget you can post on your club pages later.
> My hope it that it will be a valuable tool that will enhance our
> networks.
> ...mike/kb8jnm
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