[App_rpt-users] S) Swap Current USB device with another USB device

Johnny Keeker cypresstower at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 26 15:41:15 UTC 2014

in /etc/asterisk/ look at your files called
find the devstr=X-X  and just swap the number
do a restart 
On Thu, 7/17/14, Steve Agee <n5zua at earthlink.net> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [App_rpt-users] S) Swap Current USB device with another USB	device
 Cc: App_rpt-users at ohnosec.org
 Date: Thursday, July 17, 2014, 3:33 PM
 Yes, I understand what
 the command is for and how to install the PROM. I 
 was looking more for what goes on under the
 hood of the car when the 
 engine is running.
 So when I hit the "S" what does the code actually
 or execute in the background? Does it
 log in to the tuning file, and 
 swap some
 line number value somewhere?
 7/17/2014 9:26 AM, Tim Sawyer wrote:
 The swap command is for tuning... setting audio levels.
 > Usually USB devices
 won’t switch on you. But they can and that’s why the
 URI’s have the PROM option. Solder the PROM on to the
 radio side of the db25 and that will prevent the problem.
 > On Jul 17, 2014, at
 6:35 AM, Steve Agee <n5zua at earthlink.net>
 >> What
 code or background commands are executed when the:
 >> S) Swap Current USB device with
 another USB device
 >> command is
 issued? For instance, does it run a script that logs in to
 the /etc/asterisk/usbradio_tune_usb1.conf file and make an
 >> Just
 curious as I have two URIs on a server that have been
 working fine for several months and suddenly they are now
 backwards and I did not make any known changes to the
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