[App_rpt-users] node issues..

mike at midnighteng.com mike at midnighteng.com
Sat Jun 27 03:05:15 UTC 2015

Perhaps someone else who uses the DMK can answer you better than I who
does not use one but,

your options:

Im just guessing but what if that COS line is pushed to ground and not
float open at 0v but grounded ?
Does it drop?


> its new install, and yes it is the DMK URI. and yes repeater is hooked
> up.
> receiver COR is active high (+5V when signal is detected) but it is
> doing this without any signal from the receiver cor and with signal
> from cor.
> in usbradio.conf for COR detect I have tried DSP,USB,USBINVERTED
> nothing changes with the output.
> On Fri, 26 Jun 2015 22:17:31 -0400
> Robert Newberry <N1XBM at amsat.org> wrote:
>> Is this a brand new install? Is there a radio hooked to your sound
>> card? I've run into this once where the COR pin was active high, thus
>> disconnecting the DB25 caused it to think there was a signal on the
>> input thus causing PTT. Are you using a DMK  URI? Are you getting ptt
>> indication?
>> N1XBM
>> Apparare Scientor
>> Paratus Communicare
>> Allstar Node # 27086, 41540, 41812
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