[App_rpt-users] Audio Clicking

Robert Newberry N1XBM at amsat.org
Tue Oct 17 13:56:06 UTC 2017

I used to have this issue and I've posted here about it without a
resolution and the problem is exactly as you described. Here is what I can
tell you. I had this happen on two repeaters and here is what I had in

1. Both running DSP (I was using software to generate PL)

2.  Older versions of software.

I have since upgraded software to latest version and I no longer use DSP
and use the repeaters internal PL. I never bothered trying to figure out
the problem any further. Mostly because I have interest less focused on
deployment of analog systems and doing the above steps gives me good audio.

Apparare Scientor
Paratus Communicare
Allstar Node # 27086, 41540, 41812, 42086, 42658, 42657
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