[App_rpt-users] Issue with Node 45467 No PTT on node actions

Mike mm at midnighteng.com
Mon Aug 20 14:43:17 UTC 2018

Keith, I let this fester in my head a while,
While not being familiar with the DMK,
and my only thoughts are to check the DMK and be sure the PTT transistor 
buffer isn't 'wimping-out"

Outside of that, look for corruptions in your usbradio file with 
notepad++ or similar to 'see all characters'.

But you might take a peak at app_rpt vars while this is happening to 
give you a better clue where to look...

asterisk -rx rpt showvars NODE#

This should tell you a bit closer to look at software or hardware first.

See if the TX is up at that point AND when the cos is active which is 
the other half of what you should be looking at.

Hope it helps and you find it.


On 8/19/2018 1:07 PM, Keith Dobbins wrote:
> I'm having an issue with my node that just started recently. It appears to be dead from the perspective that no action will cause a PTT to occur. I can execute susb key and it works fine from asterisk -rv but when I issue a rpt fun 45467 *722 to speak the time, I see the commands in the asterisk console, BUT no PTT action takes place and my node doesn't key up. Anywhere I can look to find out what the heck is going on? This a weird problem to me and like I said it has been working fine for months. I did a full re-install and it worked fine for a day or so then it's right back to where it was before. Latest version of the 1.1 install. DMK URI and Intel D525 Atom Board.
> Thanks for any guidance!
> Keith DobbinsSr. IT Systems EngineerManaged File Transfer/Mainframe Networks3402 Linden Street Parkersburg, WV 26104-1608   Amateur Radio Call Sign: N8KLD
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